Professional Services

  • Surface Water Hydrology

    Surface Water Hydrology

    Surface water systems provide the replenishable water in the hydrologic cycle that is renewable, but only available in finite quantities. It is, therefore, important to protect and manage available renewable water.

  • Groundwater Hydrology

    Ground Water Hydrology

    Ground water flow occurs under virtually all lands, whether in shallow alluvial aquifers associated with rivers, or bedrock aquifers that transport ground water tens to hundreds of feet below ground surface.

  • Groundwater and Surface Water Modeling

    Groundwater and Surface Water Modeling

    Modeling tools, both analytical and numerical, can assist with addressing complex surface and groundwater issues, as well as provide visual representations of hard-to-understand flow and water quality issues.

  • Water Rights Colorado

    Water Rights

    In Colorado, water rights are an integral part of any land use development, including farming, residential, commercial, industrial and mining uses. All water development and/or impacts to water quantity and quality are affected by the Doctrine of Prior Appropriation, the principle of "first in time, first in right."

  • Expert Testimony In Water Court

    Expert Testimony

    In both water rights and water contamination issues, there is sometimes the need for expert testimony as part of the litigation. LWS has lengthy experience and expertise to provide litigation support to attorneys in cases in Water Courts and District Courts.

  • Environmental Permitting & Monitoring

    Environmental Permitting & Monitoring

    LWS personnel have assisted numerous water supply entities with federal permitting under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, acting as the Project Liaison between the lead permitting agency and the project proponent.

  • Surface and Groundwater Remediation

    Surface and Ground Water Remediation

    Environmental studies conducted by LWS personnel have typically involved the identification, characterization and then remediation of various surface and ground water contamination issues.